AG Aegis Company, Inc.

Emission & Reporting for Manufacturers & Beyond

AG Aegis performs a multitude of environmental services for lenders, manufacturers, commercial businesses, schools, hospitals, real estate developers, and engineering firms. With environmental regulations often being determined by the state or county, it can be difficult to navigate exactly which permits to apply for and whether you could be exempt from them. AG Aegis will provide assistance in accordance with these guidelines and assist with reporting to the proper agencies. Contact us today to learn how our environmental services can save you time and money.

underground storage tank removal


Sara Title III dictates the requirements for local, state, and federal governments (among others) regarding emergency planning and Community Right-To-Know reporting on toxic releases and hazardous chemicals. AG Aegis works with manufacturers, schools, hospitals, and other clients to handle all aspects of reporting, from analyzing inventory and purchase records to categorizing potentially hazardous materials. We are capable of completing the Hazardous Substance Survey Form (HSSF) in Pennsylvania and also offer Chemical of Interest reporting for the Department of Homeland Security. Regardless of the reporting required for your operation, we can ensure all chemicals are documented correctly and shared with the proper agencies, from Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) to federal organizations and beyond.

SARA Title III (EPCRA) example application

Air Quality Permitting & Reporting

AG Aegis regularly works with customers to determine what kind of air quality permit they require and what steps need to be taken to ensure regulatory compliance. While many businesses must adhere to state requirements, these can be narrowed based on your county and the operations you are performing. We help customers report emissions to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) annually, semi-annually and quarterly depending on the state and type of permit. In addition Aegis will determine if they may be exempt from certain regulations based on the equipment being used.

Air Quality Permitting & Reporting example application

Underground Storage Tanks Removal

AG Aegis is licensed in Pennsylvania to remove underground storage tanks. We will test soil after removing a tank to determine if there is any contamination in the soil or groundwater. If contamination is found, Aegis will work with several companies that can provide solutions to treat the soil.

Underground Storage Tanks Removal example application

Wastewater Sampling & Analysis

AG Aegis handles nearly all aspects of compliance monitoring, discharge monitoring, and reporting concerning wastewater. We understand that there are different standards associated with different industries, as well as metropolitan and rural areas. We are proud to offer wastewater sampling and analysis to ensure you are consistently meeting required thresholds and providing updated reports to the local, state or federal agencies who require them.

Wastewater Sampling & Analysis example application

Waste Minimization & Reporting

AG Aegis provides a wide variety of waste management services that can help you characterize, report, and minimize your waste. We regularly work with manufacturers from different industries to characterize and report both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. If you need to submit paperwork for landfill approval, as well as facilitate proper transportation and disposal, we can help. AG Aegis is familiar with 25R Source Reduction Strategies and can help you switch products and create steps to ultimately minimize waste over a period of time.

Waste Minimization & Reporting example application

Asbestos Management

Asbestos management is extremely regulated, especially in environments with patients and/or children. AG Aegis can help you develop a management plan necessary to operate safely. Whether you need an operational planner, someone to remove the physical asbestos, or someone to oversee the process, we can facilitate while focusing on the necessary paperwork from initial inspection through final clearance testing.

Asbestos Management example application

Phase I & Phase II Site Assessments

AG Aegis regularly provides Phase I and Phase II site assessments for any properties customers are looking to buy or sell. Once we determine the history of the site and what it has been used for, we can look into potential environmental issues and provide recommended corrective actions. Phase I Assessments will identify issues and Phase II Assessments will provide a more in-depth investigation into issues found in the Phase I Assessment. Both Assessments provide recommendations and AG Aegis can help completing the corrective actions. AG Aegis also offers drilling and field sampling, well placement and installation, and soil remediation.

Phase I & Phase II Site Assessments example application

Stormwater Permits & Reporting

Every state has regulations regarding stormwater. If you cannot meet the requirements of your state’s general permits, you will need to apply for an individualized permit, which can be costly. Regardless, AG Aegis can help you determine and apply for the permit you need, in addition to sampling, monitoring, and reporting your stormwater. We can also assist with applying for No Exposure Exemption or Certification.

Stormwater Permits & Reporting example application

General Compliance Audits

AG Aegis is prepared to assist customers looking to meet the most stringent requirements possible (whether local, state, or federal) by offering general compliance audits and recommendations for corrective action. This is perfect for facilities looking to improve their environmental program, as it involves many aspects of operation, from product supply and purchasing to disposal.

General Compliance Audits example application

Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency (PPC) Plans

Do you have plans in place for a potential waste spill? What about stormwater pollution? If you require assistance creating a PPC plan or other contingency plans for a variety of problematic spills, AG Aegis can help. In addition to identifying spills in an environmental audit, we help customers become proactive by creating plans designed to prevent and properly handle hazardous waste, oil storage, and more. AG Aegis also helps customers locate and obtain proper spill equipment through the many companies we work with.

Preparedness, Prevention, and Contingency (PPC) Plans example application
AG Aegis Company, Inc.

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